“For better or for worse, what you cram down your pie-hole will affect your golf game and your handicap.”
That’s a direct quote and the opening statement that I made to a group of golf instructors at a seminar last winter.
Some of the instructors were familiar with my work, and knew what to expect from me.
Others may have been taken aback by my bluntness, and vocabulary.
Still others laughed.
But this is no laughing matter. At least not if your goal is peak performance on the course.
So let’s jump right in…
What To Eat Before A Round Of Golf
The goal of the Pre Round meal is to provide a slow and sufficient energy release that lasts for the next couple of hours as well as to provide great mental concentration.
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You know how important your hips are for your golf swing.
And you may have heard the term “golf pelvic tilt”.
Well, in today’s video post, you’ll discover:
What it is… in down-to-earth, non-clinical terms.
Why you should care… proper set up, distance, accuracy, to name a few.
How to test your golf pelvic tilt proficiency… be prepared to feel lame (at first).
And how to fix it (if needed)… easy drill with big payoffs.
watch video here…

One of the most common goals we hear these days (especially with the guys over 40) is the desire to increase their golf back swing.
This is a worthy goal, to be sure…
But it can also be quite a challenge, and many a golfer has given up in frustration after months on a traditional stretching program, for lack of noticeable results.
There are several possibilities as to why you may be limited in your golf back swing.
In this post, let’s focus on limitations in your upper body. More specifically, the forward rounded shoulders and internally rotated arms that are almost epidemic in our culture.
Both of these muscle imbalances severely restrict your ability to rotate and get any length on your back swing. They also are the primary culprit in shoulder impingement syndrome.
In todays video, I’m going to introduce you to a technique called Self Myo-Fascial Release.
Although it sounds like something out of The Kama Sutra, it’s actually a cool way to enhance your stretching efforts, add length to your back swing, and keep your shoulders healthy.
click to watch video…

When it comes to peak performance golf nutrition, you can forget about the traditional Food Pyramid.
Even the more recently revised version still sucks.
We will be covering numerous issues in great detail on this blog in coming months, but for now, let’s just focus on six overriding principles of your golf nutrition.
Start to incorporate these into your diet, and you’ll be on your way to better scores and overall health.
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As a golf performance coach, I’ve seen many changes in the junior golf world over the past twelve years.
The main difference is in the level of competition. The popularity of junior golf has made it far more challenging to get golf scholarships.
At one point, not too long ago, good grades and the ability to post 80 could get you into plenty of good colleges and universities (especially girls).
Not the case anymore.
Get the Whole Scoop…

Here at The Renegade Golf Training Institute, we teach our golfers how to control their mental/emotional states at any given moment, regardless of the external environment. That means that they are able to instill a state of golf confidence, focus, or calm, exactly when they need it the most.
Common examples are the first tee, or when facing a tough driving hole.
We would like to share with you one of our favorite techniques from the world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), called Anchoring.
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Having strong golf legs is a crucial component of your golf swing.
And of all your lower body muscles, nothing is more important than your butt.
It is your glutes (butt) muscles that stabilize and prevent you from losing your golf posture in terms of early extension and swaying or sliding. It is also these prime muscles that create the stable base from which you can develop POWER.
There is a problem with your butt, though…
At least the chances are good that you suffer from the same butt epidemic that more than 85% of our golfers do upon their initial evaluation.
In the industry, it’s been titled “Gluteal Amnesia”.
get the cure…

The topic of stretching for golfers can become quite a heated debate among fitness professionals.
This is even more so with junior golf flexibility training. As often is the case, egos are threatened and blanket statements are made because they are dramatic and garner attention.
An example would be “junior golfers are unstable and therefore should NEVER stretch.”
Of course this doesn’t help out the junior golfer, their parents or coaches one bit. So I’ll add my two cents, based on my research and 17 years of experience working in this field.
The answer to the question “Should junior golfers stretch?” is…
It depends.
the full story…

When I first mention golf hypnosis as a peak performance tool, I often get the “WTF Face”.
And it’s easy to understand why… after all, most people’s exposure to hypnosis is limited to the local entertainment show at the fair or a comedy club, and what they may have seen in a movie.
There are certainly hypnotic techniques being used in those shows, but the way in which they are used, the intention, and the results are vastly different.
We practice a form of Therapeutic Hypnosis, and we have specialized it for the sport of golf, and on the individual feedback that we have gotten from thousands of golfers over the years.
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Are you sweating out forty-five minutes of slow to moderate effort cardio training 3-5 times a week? If you are hoping to increase your golf power, that’s a mistake. Here’s what you should do instead.
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