Today I would like to continue reviewing some of the best golf core exercises (and not a crunch in the bunch!).
If you missed Part One on this topic, Click Here to find out why crunches are usually not the best exercise for most golfers (at least not for the first few phases of training), and how to start training your core in a safe and effective manner.
Then get back over here, and we’ll get this party started!
I recommend spending 4-6 weeks mastering the golf core exercises from Part I, then progressing onto the four exercises below.
Many golfers are under the impression that they should be training their core almost every day. In reality, the core is similar to most other muscles in the body, and 2-3 high quality workouts a week are all that is needed.
There is also a misguided notion that you need to perform hundreds of reps for your “abs”. Many golfers are suprised to learn that your abdominals are a majority of fast twitch muscle fibers, meaning they actually respond better to low to moderate repetition ranges (6-12).
OK… onto the exercises!
Band/Cable Wood Chop
1. This exercise can be performed with either a band or a cable machine. Position the band or cable slightly higher than your shoulders.
2. Take a wide and stable sideways stance, and grasp the band or handle with the hand on the side to which you will be rotating. Then position you other hand on top of the first hand.
3. Lock out your arms, inhale and hold your breath, and engage your core muscles (as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach).
4. Exhale as you rotate your torso, while keeping your lower body solid.
5. Pause at the bottom of the movement, and inhale as you return to the start position under control.
6. Perform 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps per side.


Swiss Ball Forward Roll Out
1. Assume the position shown in the first photo – spine in neutral position, with forearms resting on the Swiss Ball.
2. Take a deep belly breath in, hold, and draw your navel up and in towards your spine.
3. Proceed to roll out, moving the shoulders and the hips EQUALLY and at the SAME SPEED, while maintaining your spinal alignment.
4. Hold for 2 seconds in the end position, and return to the starting position.
5. Perform 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps.


Swiss Ball Upper Body Russian Twist
1. Lie on your back with your arms extended toward the ceiling with your hands together. Elevate your hips so that they are parallel to the ground, and your upper back in on the apex of the Swiss Ball.
2. Engage your core, and while keeping your hips elevate and level, twist your upper body so that your arms are as close as parallel to the ground as possible.
3. When performing this exercise, your arms must remain centered over your chest, and your hips must remain level to the ground. Do not go further than your current abilities allow and lose perfect form.
4. Repeat this process on the other side for the completion of 1 rep.
5. Perform 2-3 sets of 4-8 reps per side.



Swiss Ball Prone Jackknife
1. Assume the “push up” position shown in the first photo, with your shins on the apex of the Swiss Ball.
2. Inhale and engage your abdominal muscles.
3. Keeping your hips level, draw your knees up underneath your hips.
4. Pause for a full 2 seconds, and then return to the start position.
5. Perform 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Remember, you can get back to flexion-based exercises (all variations of crunches), once you attain correct postural/structural balance. This usually takes several months of consistent work on flexibility and corrective exercises.
Try out these different golf core exercises… and Get After Old Man Par!
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